
Four Bishop Gorman Catholic School students were among the 32,000 high school students from across the country to earn academic honors from the College Board’s National Recognition Programs.  The students who earned these honors are:

  • Gonzalo Alvarez del Real (‘22): National Hispanic Recognition;  National Small Town and Rural Recognition
  • Ore Ifafore (‘22): National African American Recognition; National Small Town and Rural Recognition
  • Monica Herrera (‘22): National Hispanic Recognition;  National Small Town and Rural Recognition
  • Melissa Perez (‘23): National Hispanic Recognition;  National Small Town and Rural Recognition

These students earned this recognition by excelling on their PSAT/NMSQT or AP Exams and in the classroom based on a qualifying GPA. 

“We are thrilled for these students and very proud of them for their accomplishments.  Their dedication and hard work have certainly paid off,” said Ms. Pam Konon, Bishop Gorman Testing Director and Science Department Chair.