Orchestra Director
Dwight Anderson
Welcome to the Bishop Gorman orchestra program! The Bishop Gorman orchestra program consists of:
6th grade beginning orchestra
7th-8th-grade middle school orchestra
High school orchestra.
Sixth grade begins in the fall with students participating in six weeks each of Art, Band, Orchestra, and Choir Exploratory.
Middle school orchestra students continue developing fundamental playing skills while expanding their performance opportunities. They participate in the school Christmas and spring concerts, various performance opportunities around the community, solo and ensemble contest, and region orchestra auditions.
High school students continue to develop their fundamental playing skills while expanding even more in their performance and audition opportunities. In addition to the school Christmas and spring concerts, and various performance opportunities around the community, they also compete in TMEA All-Region, TMEA All-State, TPSMEA All-Region, TPSMEA All-State, and solo and ensemble competition. Gorman students have earned chairs in the TPSMEA All-State orchestra, both TMEA and TPSMEA All-Region. Orchestra, and first division ratings at solo and ensemble contest.